Saturday, January 26, 2008

Variety is the Spice of Life

You go shopping for clothes, u look for variety. You go to a sweet shop, you savour the variety. The list goes on…. Well, Variety is the name of the game.
So why should it be any different when it comes to health and your choice of exercises to keep fit?

Try these simple options
Increase the speed of walking – You must reach at least half a kilometer ahead than the usual distance in the same time.
Carry a water bottle in your hand (slightly contra-indicated incase you suffer from hypertension)
Invest in a pair of ankle weights (available in 0.5 kg to 3kg range), and tie it around your ankles (permitted for all including those with hypertension)
Wear a jacket with pockets and add heavy objects into its pockets.
If walking on a treadmill, all options can be used, including increasing the incline level of the machine.

For those who prefer Cycling
Invest in a pair of ankle weights (available in 0.5 kg to 3kg range), and tie it around your ankles (permitted for all including those with hypertension).
Chose a climb instead of a flat road.
Most of the exercises, especially those you find prescribed in a Fitness Club setting have Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced options.
For example, take the example of one of the best and most common but very poorly understood exercises – Squats (baithak).
Beginner option would be a simple squat ( lowering your hips towards the floor, till your thighs are parallel to the floor), Intermediate option would entail using dumbbells placed on your shoulder while squatting, while one of the many Advanced options could be to squat with a barbell attached with weight plates.

Pushups / Zor / Dand can also be intensified by performing it keeping your body in an inclined position ( legs resting on a surface above the normal ground level), or adding weights on you.

However, in all cases, caution is the watchword. Don’t try stunts at home.
Research yourself or consult an expert. Try to squeeze in some variety, and find yourself looking forward to your workout !

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